Saturday, February 17, 2007

Step 2. Psychological hardness against the devil's advocates

Lo and behold! I've not even been halfway near my quest and already the devil sends a couple of his advocates to torment me. These advocates are the people who the apostle Paul might have referred to as "thorns in his side." They are those who lack understanding of the inner workings of the mind of the people who plan for their future and who have their own designs on their own resources.

If, for some warped reason, that sounded a little vague, I would have you understand that you do not expect people to easily dispense of their resources because no matter what, they will always have plans with it. In plain english, I'm talking about other people's money. You don't touch it!!! YOU DON'T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE'S RESOURCES. They're not your own. You would have thought that MAN has come a long way. You would have thought that we've finally FINALLY achieved civilization. You would have thought that it was plain common sense that sets us apart from the animals. But, what do i find out? SOME PEOPLE SERIOUSLY NEED TO BE EDUCATED ON THE CONCEPT OF OWNERSHIP! Everybody say it again: CON-CEPT OF OW-NER-SHIP. That's right.. Uh-huh.. Getting there. Now, say it again, and learn to respect it.

Now, I may have sounded harsh here, so a little disclaimer. I totally support helping out those who are in need and I do my little charity works here and there. I also lend my money to people who need them. BUT, it depends mostly on where they're gonna use them. Mostly, the people who I loaned my money to were gonna use it for medicine, food, allowance for school, driving lessons for work, bills, pamasahe, and other urgent needs. I draw the line for non-urgent matters like recreation and amusements. However, I have encountered lamebrains who labeled me as selfish because I wouldn't shell out money for those non-pressing matters. Well, this is my only message to you: Up Yours! There is only one thing I wanna give you - THE FINGER!

To all those who have a motivation, goal or purpose of any kind (except criminal), do not give up and do not let these losers get you down and steer you off-track. Have that psychological hardness and order them to EAT YOUR DUST!

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